Christoph Polcin

Coole Sache - Indefero auf uberspace

Indefero ist ein schlankes und schnelles Web-Frontend zur Verwaltung von Soft­ware­pro­jek­ten, ganz nach dem Vorbild von google code und github. Darüer hinaus ist es frei und wird aktiv entwickelt! Von Haus biringt es Code-Review Funk­tio­na­li­tät und Un­ter­stüt­zung für Git, Mercurial, SVN und Monotone mit. Was will man mehr? Schau dir Indefero's indefero an.

Es folgt eine kurze In­stal­la­ti­ons­an­lei­tung,
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Keysigning-Party im Stratum0

Wer mit Wem im Stratum0.

Firefox Tweaks

Some Firefox per­for­mance tweaks
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ALL-INKL Online Festplatte in Linux einbinden ist ein lokaler Web- und Server Anbieter. Der Premium-Account enthält eine Online-Festplatte die als ein Netz­lauf­werk ein­ge­bun­den werden kann, sprich eine private dropbox.

Um diese Be­son­der­heit unter Linux zu nutzen, müssen folgende Schritte durchfrührt werden
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Automated audio tran­scrip­tion (speech-to-text) works badly out of the box, especially with recordings from interviews. Yeah? You're on your own.

For­tu­nate­ly there are a bunch of ap­pli­ca­tions that stand by you. Flash­dic­ta­tor is one of them. It helps you to transcript an earlier recorded interview. It is a stone downgraded version of F4 an audio tran­scrip­tion tool. Flash­dic­ta­tor is written in Adobe Flash and runs at the top of your browser. Just grab the source code for a deeper look inside.

Flash­dic­ta­tor plays your audio recordings bit by bit with definable breaks in between, to avoid struggling of endless loops of pushing Play, Alt+Tab, listen and transcript, Alt+Tab, Pause, Rewinding and so on.

That all about it.

GPG/GnuPG Spickzettel

Es folgt die 1001 GnuPG Kurzübersicht.
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Getting Your Notes Done

I stumbled upon a great idea: store quick notes in a private mailbox. It's a very smart solution especially because the notes are searchable and available from anywhere. The concept is quite easy to implement therefore it's adjustable to various toolchains.
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ZSH Archive Function

This simple shell function creates various archives dependent on the file extension.
Supported extensions: tar.bz2, tar.gz, tar.xz, tar.lzma, bz2, gz, tar, tbz2, tgz, zip, 7z

useage: pack archive.extension [file|dir]+
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Choosing A Camera Lense

Sometimes it's so hard to make a decision, even on a simple thing. Therefore I considered the metadata from old images to get an overview of my settings. The rate of focal length, exposure time and aperture values might help me to select a new lens which may fit my needs.
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Check Out dwm

If you're running a Linux box and your window manager feels to bloated? If you're bother with large con­fig­u­ra­tion files and ap­pli­ca­tion windows which pop up randomly where they like? If You would love to group windows by tags and manage them in tiled, monocle or custom layouts? Or if you're just looking for a light­weight and fast window manager?

Than go for dwm!

Hold on! I'm main­tain­ing udwm a fork with a few useful patches already applied. Right! Grab the latest snapshot and get your hands dirty.